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As the holidays rapidly approach and the year tapers to an end, we encourage you to challenge yourself to dedicate some time to downsizing before 2024. It may seem like this time of year is already too busy to add any to-dos to your list, but with our helpful tips, you can actually incorporate downsizing right into your holiday plans! And if you find yourself overwhelmed, our expertise and helping hands are always just a phone call away.

Thanksgiving presents downsizers with plenty of opportunities to enjoy their traditional meal preparation (or not!), pass special belongings on to family and friends, and focus on the simple joys of life.

We love this detailed documentary that takes an in-depth look at a typical senior move, including the process before, during and after this 83-year old widower leaves his home of 25 years.

When the fashion of yesteryear meets today’s values. How do we honor the sentiment without compromising our beliefs or desires? Here are some NASSM tips on navigating the sometimes complicated process of preserving heirlooms.